Bridge Kids Glow Party

You are loved to the moon and more!

This year our Glow Party is going online on YouTube. We will be streaming a fun filled space themed programme suitable for the whole family, with party packs, games, gunge, glowsticks and more.


Rocket Trail

Rockets are landing all over the place, go discover and see how many you can find! Even better put a smile on someone’s face by putting your own rockets up.


Click here to download the Rocket Colouring Sheet

Click here to download the Rocket Poster


Rocket Colouring Competition: Colour in one of our rockets, put it in your window or display somewhere for others to see, take a photo and send it to [email protected] by Wednesday 4th November for a chance to win a prize. Our winner will be announced on our Church family service on the 8th November. 

Click here to download the Rocket Colouring Sheet

Social Media

Starting Saturday 31st we are hoping you would join us for a social media take over. We would love to fill social media with rockets to get the message out there that people are loved and that through this difficult time they are not alone. We are suggesting you post our rocket pictures on your social platforms, change your profile pictures and let’s hope at this difficult time we can come together and bring hope.

We have frames for your profile pictures, phone wallpapers, banners and more.

Click here to download all you need!

Use our hashtag:



We have some merchandise coming your way very soon!